FellsBiker.com Middlesex Fells Reservation
Stoneham Medford Winchester Melrose Malden, Massachusetts
Very Important Public Meeting for Fells Trail Planning
The DCR is holding a public meeting on February 8th. Its very important for bikers to have a strong presence at this meeting, so that we can get a fair piece of the pie.

This new trail planning process is likely going to lead to major revisions to the current "ban bikes from practically everything" single track policy in the fells. As many bikers as possible need to attend to make sure bike-hating groups don't kill this rare chance we have to make changes in the Fells.

Here is the press release from the DCR:

Dear Middlesex Fells Friends and Stakeholders:
We want to update you on the ongoing Middlesex Fells Reservation Trail System Planning Process, and request your assistance.

Over the past few months, we have been completing our Trail Inventory for the Fells, have met with partner agency landowners in the Fells, and have invited user and stakeholder input via the internet.

In order to gain additional public input into the process, we are planning to hold a Trail Planning Workshop:

Date: Monday, February 8, 2010

Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Location: McGlynn School Auditorium, 3001 Mystic Valley Parkway, Medford

At this workshop we anticipate the following agenda:

- Overview of Trails Planning Process

- Brief Overview of Fells Trail Conditions and Issues

- Q&A (time limited)

- Stakeholder Workshop: Attendees will participate in small group discussions during which they will review maps of the trail system and add their input as to access points, desired routes, potential connections, trail issues and problems, and potential solutions. Their input will be reported out to the group-at-large.

- Next Steps

Attached is a press release that DCR has issued announcing this workshop, along with a .pdf document for sharing. We encourage you to reach out to your constituents and neighbors, and invite them to attend the workshop to provide input.

The draft trail plan is anticipated to be completed by April of 2010.

For additional information and updates, please see this link

DCR’s staff looks forward to the ongoing participation of our valued partners as this process moves forward.

Thank you, and have a good week!

- Conrad

Conrad Crawford
Director of Partnerships
Department of Conservation and Recreation
251 Causeway Street, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02114