April 24th, 2009 • 0 Comments
For years now, the DCR has provided the Friends of the Fells with free working space in one of the DCR buildings. This was actually pretty unfair considering one of the primary goals of the Fells is to antagonize mountain bikers, which are either the biggest, or second biggest user group in the Fells. The letter sent to the Friends of the Fells cites the economy as the reason. It could be that, or it could be that the DCR is sick of the Friends of the Fells acting like THEY are the ones in charge. Either way, it put a smile on my face.
April 30th, 2009 • 1 Comments
The Fof are at it again. Saturday the 25th, there was supposed to be a very large trail maintenance day in the Fells. I say "supposed to be" because it was fully approved by the DCR. A large section of the Mountain Bike loop was going to be rerouted to singletrack. The day before the trail work, the Fof put up a big stink and got the huge event cancelled the day before. 'Cancelled' or just 'Postponed'? That remains to be seen. If the Fof have anything to do with it, it will be cancelled forever.
That's the point of the Fof, they really don't care about improving the trails, they're only concern seems to be banning bike, maintaining existing bans, and getting more bans. Meanwhile the Fof does they're own trail maintenance that is very detrimental to the trails. It's mostly cheap, fast, token trail work so that bike groups aren't the only ones doing trail work. None of their anti-bike arguments hold any water, and hopefully this latest slap in the face is enough to finally rally mountain bikers together and fight back. The mountain biker tactics of the last . . .8+ years has been to simply grin and bear it. This has gotten mountain bikers almost nothing. We need to step up and fight for access rights we deserve. Someone needs to step up and lead this movement. |