FellsBiker.com Middlesex Fells Reservation
Stoneham Medford Winchester Melrose Malden, Massachusetts
Attention Fells Users

The DCR has requested public input regarding the new Fells trail plan they are working on. It appears to be more than a simple biking policy, it looks like they are making a complete trail system plan. They are requesting letters or emails (or both).

So if you want changes in the Fells, now is one of the few times where a letter or email may legitimately help the cause.

Here is the link to the DCR's page:

There are a lot more issue in the Fells than limited bike access. If you've been on the Orange Trail this year, you've seen the useless/somewhat dangerous gullies that were dug about every hundred feet. That was official trail maintenance. That trail work has done damage to the trail that will last for many years. Now is the time to tell the DCR to take charge, and stop pandering to the - you know who.

A fair, comprehensive plan for the Fells is exactly what is needed. If you are looking for some ideas to get you started, I highly recommend you read the FellsBiker Proposal from 2006. It's a great place to start for long term planning ideas.

Please take some time to write to the DCR. Tell them what your concerns are, and tell them what they should do about it. For the first time . . . ever, the DCR (former MDC) seems to want to hear from all legitimate Fells users. Lets not let this opportunity go to waste!

  • Comments
  • Thank yopu John for keeping us informed
    I was riding all over the fells Saturday 12/7/09 6am untill 8am. Befor the percipitation arrived and the trails were stable. I was excited to see a large (@ 50 -100 ) runners who were setting up a ultrs marathon. 6 loops 8 miles each, 48 miles total for the elite rumnners and less for the others. The park ranger truck was ther 1 porta poty as you entered the Fallon road and donuts. People were parked on the grass and along the road. It looked to be well attended and well organized. I would like to know the group that organized this event, what trails they ran and congradulate them for excercising the MULTI-USE TRAILS in the fells. If the mountain bikers who ride can and will be a large part of the trail maintance, added presence to keep the woods clear of unwanted activities and safe for a deverse group of trail users.
    Comment Posted by (gkphd at verizon dot net) on December 9th, 2009
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